10 Benefits of Green Tea

There are various reasons why green tea as one health drinks soft drink producers. Here are 10 real benefits of green tea has been researched by experts, so you ought to replace fizzy drinks from your favorite list.
  1. Green tea may help protect against cancer. According to the U.S. National Cancer Institute, the catching content in polyphones found in green tea has an important role in cancer prevention.The study further concluded that no active oxidant polyphones, reduce the number and size of tumors, and inhibit cancer cell growth. Similar research has also specifically committed against bladder cancer, breast, ovary, esophagus (the part of the tool in the form of digestive tract that carries food from the esophagus to the stomach), lungs, and pancreas, prostate, skin and stomach.
  2. Green tea may help prevent atherosclerosis. The antioxidants in green tea are also believed to prevent fat accumulation in the blood vessels by pressing the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol). Antioxidants also reduce the likelihood of blood clotting and help the arteries (blood vessels) to relax so that blood can flow.
  3. Green tea can help maintain good cholesterol levels. Research suggests that green tea lowers total cholesterol and raise HDL (good cholesterol) in animals and humans. Polyphones in green tea helps block the intestinal absorption process and launched its expenditure from the body.
  4. Green tea can help control diabetes. Green tea has been used traditionally to control blood sugar in the body. Several studies have shown that green tea can help glucose regulation in the body.
  5. Green tea may help fight diseases of the liver. Green tea seems to protect the liver from the adverse effects of toxic substances such as alcohol.
  6. Weight loss. Green tea extract can increase metabolism and help burn fat. Some researchers speculate that the polyphones, particularly catechism is responsible in the process of burning fat.
  7. Relaxation. Drinking a cup of hot green tea can help produce feelings of relaxation and improve memory because the content of the amino acid L-teaming in it.
  8. Green tea may help boost the immune system. The study, conducted by The Brigham and Women’s Hospital said that teaming content in green tea increase the capacity of gamma delta T cells to fight disease and help the body fight infection.
  9. Green tea helps strengthen the digestive and respiratory systems because the content of bioflavonoid.
  10. Green tea is an anti-bacterial and helps prevent holes in the teeth.
Drinking two to three cups of green tea a day (containing 240 to 320 mg of polyphones) is recommended. This is the best way to get antioxidants green tea from its original state

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